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The 4th Starvey Agent Conference has been successfully completed!

The fourth agent conference of Starberry successfully concluded on February 28th. This agent conference brings together 20 agents from all over the world to gather in Wuxi.


  The Starberry brand has successfully resided in China for the fourth year, and along the way, many successful cases and issues that need to be discussed have been shared and resolved at this conference. In order to enable our agents to have a better understanding of our brand, we specially invite Ms. Fukuda from our Japanese group company, Shin Kwok Le, to lecture on the characteristics and functions of Japanese imported fabrics, as well as the various characteristics of Japanese imported wallpaper and flooring. Finally, we also shared a lot of construction and sales experience. Understanding more will be more beneficial for each store's sales, making every trip worthwhile for agents, Being able to bring back more knowledge and fresh energy is what we have been striving to achieve.

The Wuxi factory has always been striving for excellence in curtain technology, importing four fully automatic machines worth 160W from Japan, and doing our best to improve quality, which has always been our diligent pursuit. On the evening of the 27th, agents participated in the annual New Year's meeting of the Wuxi factory together. Everyone sang and danced, and every employee participated in the performance. In this factory, every employee regarded it as their own holiday, and the passion for the company and life erupted. Every agent fully felt our corporate culture, and everyone expressed that they were infected by the enthusiasm of the workers, I hope to have the opportunity to participate again next year.
