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The 3rd Starvey Agent Conference has been successfully completed

The third Starberry Agent Conference was grandly held in Wuxi from August 29th to 30th, with 15 Starberry agents from across the country participating in the conference.

In order for everyone to have a better understanding of our products, we have specially invited Professor Sato from the Japanese headquarters, Room ONE, to give a lecture.



Mr. Sato has imparted a lot of experience in sales and measurement to everyone based on the various situations he has encountered in his career over the past 20 years.

At the conference, everyone actively discussed some of the problems that occurred in various stores, exchanged ideas with each other, and learned from their experiences. 

At the same time, we also took everyone to visit the Wuxi factory, allowing everyone to understand the entire process of the birth of a curtain. From fabric inspection to finished product packaging, every step is explained in detail to everyone, so that everyone can provide the best product introduction to end customers more comprehensively.

Dear friends, we will see you next year! Looking forward to meeting you again and hoping for more new partners to join us!